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ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate

ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate

ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate

ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate is a vibrant and nurturing educational institution situated in the heart of Phoenix, AZ, catering to the developmental needs of primary and intermediate students. As a cornerstone for academic excellence, our school seamlessly integrates phoenix elementary school curriculum with advanced preparatory studies, ensuring every child receives an education that’s both comprehensive and challenging. Our dedication to fostering intellectual growth extends beyond the classroom; we prioritize creating an environment where young minds are encouraged to delve into inquiry-based learning and critical thinking from an early age. Our diverse program offerings provide pathways that lead students towards becoming well-rounded individuals equipped with the knowledge needed to excel at any phoenix middle school or phoenix high school they may attend in the future. With state-of-the-art facilities and passionate educators committed to each student’s success, ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate stands as a beacon of early educational achievement within the community.


Business Email; asuprepmarketing@asu.edu

Business Hours: Monday to Friday :07:00 – 16:00


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