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UNM College of Population Health

UNM College of Population Health

UNM College of Population Health

Elevate your potential and amplify your influence in the realm of healthcare with the transformative offerings of the University of New Mexico College of Population Health. Amidst the broader mission of UNM, we stand as a vigorous and impactful entity, committed to elevating the realms of healthcare delivery, access, and equality. Our tenacity is illuminated through groundbreaking research initiatives, innovative programs, including the highly esteemed MPH degree, and the empowering Bachelor of Science in Population Health. Picture yourself armed with the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree from UNM College of Population Health—an opportunity to delve into intricate health challenges and equip yourself with indispensable skills. Through our immersive and collaborative learning experiences, you won’t just be a student; you’ll be an integral part of a movement. Embark on a journey where you champion healthcare evolution, engage in dynamic discussions, and foster connections with industry pioneers. The time is ripe to make a resounding impact. Answer the call of transformation—join UNM College of Population Health today.



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