Your first visit will likely consist of a full and detailed case history, complete examination, orthopedic and neurologic tests, x-rays (if clinically necessary) and filling out a small amount of paperwork. After the doctor reviews and correlates all relevant facts about your specific condition, he will inform you of the nature of your specific condition in what is called the “Report of Findings”.

During this time, you will find out what your condition is, if the doctor can help you, how long it should take to correct the cause of your problem, what you can do on your own to increase your healing time, and what costs that apply. If it is determined your condition is not a case that will benefit from chiropractic care, we will refer you out to someone who we feel can help! Your first appointment will take approximately one hour, and your consultation with the doctor will likely be scheduled for the next day.


3410 W Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC 27407