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QC Kinetix (Marietta)

QC Kinetix (Marietta)

QC Kinetix (Marietta)

If you are an athlete and need help with your sports injury, then a sports injury doctor in Marietta can help. We are a specialized sports injury clinic that offers a full range of services to keep you healthy and playing! At QC Kinetix (Marietta), regenerative medicine is the next step in sports medicine. Instead of focusing on injury treatment, we help you recover from an injury and build a foundation for optimal fitness in the future. In addition, our QC Injury protocol improves the quality of life for people dealing with all sorts of injuries and who want to get back to doing their favorite activities faster than traditional methods. By combining traditional sports injury treatments with regenerative therapy, you get both benefits: greater recovery speed and improved strength and longevity from an injury. To know more about our regenerative medicines, call us today!


Business Services: Non-surgical regenerative treatments for pain associated with sports injuries, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions


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