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Premier Health Chiropractors of South Minneapolis

Premier Health Chiropractors of South Minneapolis

Premier Health Chiropractors of South Minneapolis

Chiropractic adjustments refer to the specialized treatments that individuals receive from a chiropractic healthcare professional. Compared to treatment by a medical doctor that may involve the use of prescription medication or surgery as a pain remedy, chiropractic adjustments involve a manipulation of the patient’s spine by hand. Chiropractic treatments are designed to bring the body’s musculoskeletal structure back into proper alignment in order to effectively reduce or eliminate pain.

Following an initial consultation with a chiropractor, the patient usually lays down on a specially designed table in order for the doctor to apply manual pressure along particular points up and down the spine. This will help those points of the spine that have moved out of alignment. At times the chiropractor may change the position of the body while applying pressure to specific points in order to unblock nerve energy. Chiropractic adjustments are not painful, although some patients may feel surprised to hear occasional popping sounds throughout the procedure. This popping sound is caused by the release of gas bubbles in the joints as the pressure affecting them is being changed.



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