Welcome To Tops in America

Oberheiden, P.C.

Oberheiden, P.C.

Oberheiden, P.C.

You’ve been charged with a crime. You’re unsure what to do and don’t know your options. You could hire a lawyer who doesn’t have the same kind of experience as our firm does, or you could hire us. Our Criminal defense attorneys in Miami have got decades of experience working on both sides of criminal investigations, trials, and appeals. We know how to preserve your rights, and we’ll fight for your interests at every step. We work with clients across the country—from small businesses to large corporations—to help them get through the legal process with as little disruption as possible. And when it comes time for a trial? Our lawyers at Oberheiden, P.C. are ready to go toe-to-toe with anyone else—and we win more than our fair share of cases!


On Key

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