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Law Offices of Scott Dinsmore, APC

Law Offices of Scott Dinsmore, APC

Law Offices of Scott Dinsmore, APC

The Manhattan Beach attorneys at the Law Offices of Scott Dinsmore, APC fight on behalf of California injury victims, consumers and businesses. Whether a truck collision on 405 Freeway severely injured a loved one, or you are embroiled in a business dispute, our experienced team can help you.

The Law Offices of Scott Dinsmore, APC combines a dedicated personal injury law practice with a full-service business litigation practice. We are tough trial lawyers who bring considerable skill, resolve, and perception to these tasks and are prepared to go the extra mile for our clients. Our reputation as personal injury and business law attorneys is earned through hard work and proven results. But what truly sets us apart is our commitment to service.

We practice law with honor and respect for its principles and ethics, and we are not intimidated by those who do not. Our firm has deep roots in our South Bay community and we contribute in many ways to help it thrive. Above all, we fight for our clients with all our might until justice has been obtained.

We are available to help you now. Contact us to discuss your personal injury claim or business litigation case in confidence and receive the legal representation you deserve.


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