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Iron Homes Inspections

Iron Homes Inspections

Iron Homes Inspections

Don’t expect a perfect house; every inspection will reveal issues. Depending on the size of the home, the inspection typically takes between two and four hours. You should choose an inspector that you and your agent trust; we always strive to make your choice Iron Homes Inspections. We will provide you a neutral, well-written report with color photos and about 30 to 40 pages of information. At the time of inspection, we will take the lead and run the show, but don’t be afraid to ask questions, in fact we encourage it. This is your opportunity to get an expert opinion on the biggest financial purchase of your life and to really understand how the house functions. Afterward, make sure you and your agent go through the entire report together and then decide how to proceed with your negotiations. Also if you have questions after your inspection never hesitate to contact us, we are always here for you!



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