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Edwards & Patterson Law Firm

Edwards & Patterson Law Firm

Edwards & Patterson Law Firm

Personal Injury Lawyers in Tulsa Who Stand by Your Side

No part of recovering from a serious injury is easy. That’s especially true if someone else is responsible for the accident. Even a seemingly minor injury can become a hassle if an insurance company disputes your claim or denies it altogether. When profit-driven insurers pressure you for a fast and easy settlement, it’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer who can fight to protect your rights.

A judge’s chair in a courtroom in Tulsa, OK.

Tulsa personal injury law allows victims to recover compensation for financial, physical, and emotional losses caused by another party’s carelessness. Today’s medical costs alone can break the bank. But there are inevitably other monetary losses resulting from an accident, such as property damage, lost income, and the costs of any home modifications that may be necessary to accommodate the injured person as they recover. These are just a few examples of the many types of expenses that can be reimbursed in a successful Tulsa personal injury claim.


If you have been injured in an accident and another party is to blame, our Tulsa car accident attorneys can analyze the facts of your case and explain your legal options. Contact Tulsa injury lawyers Edwards & Patterson Law Firm now for a free consultation about how we can help you.



1831 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 United States (US)

Phone: 877-761-5059

Personal Injury Lawyer in Tulsa, OK




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