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Coach Pain Academy

Coach Pain Academy

Coach Pain Academy

Obstacle course racing is a grueling challenge that puts your resilience, strength, and mentality to the test. Proper training and preparation are essential for anyone who wishes to participate in such a race. Regular gym workouts like bodybuilding exercises are good but are not enough to develop the strength and agility required for obstacle racing. This type of racing involves energy-intensive activities that require special training, such as racing and heavy lifting. Training for obstacle course racing focuses on maximizing calorie burn and combining power and strength. Our OCR circuit training at our gym in Gilbert is designed based on these principles and is conducted in groups. The group training at Coach Pain Academy Fitness Center of Gilbert Arizona involves full-body workouts that aim to burn maximum fat and increase overall body strength. For anyone interested in participating in obstacle course racing, it is highly recommended to undergo training beforehand. Our training resources can help you become a champion in the race.


Additional Hours:
Mon – Wed: 5pm – 7pm
Friday: 5pm – 6pm


On Key

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